Why is success always taken as sanguine but failure as adverse? Why can’t we take failure as a feedback and as a room for improvement ? So when that company , that used to be the apple of your eye went down in flames instead of feeling remorseful about it why don’t you try rectifying the faults and make a fresh start ? Had Thomas Edison be able to invent the light bulb if he would’ve given up instead of trying and failing for more than 1000 times. Abraham Lincoln
Failed in business in 1831 followed by a nervous breakdown in 1836 and then got defeated in his run for president in 1856 and yet he didn’t stop and finally became the president of USA in 1861. Sometimes even after putting your best foot forward things don’t go as planned but instead of blatantly blaming yourself or the circumstances we can look for the unobserved opportunity and make the best out of it because each time you fail you learn something out of it and the more you fail the more you’ll learn . We’re no gods to attain perfection in the first glance it’s a gradual process but you’re failing again and again because you’re trying and that is what matters.