Lost Hope

Those dreams extinguished like
Candles in the wind
And the hopes declined
By fears confined
The only moment I chose myself
Was when i couldn’t be with you
Then why do I choose you again n again
Even after these dreams turned blue?
she cried for 2 hours straight
Conjecturing it as her fate
These sweet lies she told herself
Hiding the brain in the shelf
Cuz the heart wants only what it does
These eyes a waterfall of sorrow
Flowing down the cheeks
And if only one thing I could borrow?
Was to care as less as them
Caught in the whirlpool of emotions
Struggling to tame them

2 thoughts on “Lost Hope”

  1. I read some of your writings, they are excellent!! As I read through the lines I felt every word pierce in my heart, it felt like the experience I been through but i was lost of words to write! 🫶🏻

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